How Business Intelligence Benefits Call Centers

Jan 23, 2014

Business Intelligence, according to Wikipedia, makes interpreting voluminous data friendly and enables  implementing an effective strategy successfully. This post talks about how BI could benefit contact centers as a data management tool. See excerpt below.


A more helpful definition describes BI as “the process of providing decision makers with valuable information and knowledge by leveraging a variety of sources of data as well as structured and unstructured information.”

On this basis there are clearly strong synergies between BI and contact centres: contact centres provide vast amounts of information about customers, their needs and wants from a company, their issues with a company’s products and services. This is all grist to the mill for BI software. And the analysis of these and other data can provide valuable insights that can help call centre operators improve the customer experience. Furthermore, BI software can provide valuable insights into the operation of a contact centre – insights not otherwise available.

View Full Post – BI brings big benefits to contact centres

Source – WhaTech Channel


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Shruti Sahu