Infographic: Business Analyst vs. Data Scientist

Nov 6, 2016

Business Analytics vs. Data Science

“Business analytics” and “data science” — are they basically interchangeable terms, or entirely separate professional pursuits? There’s certainly overlap on the topic of Big Data and using data to inform decisions. There is no dispute over the fact that both business analysts and data scientists use exponentially growing sources of data to do their work. [Check out PARIS Tech’s recent post on Big Data]

An article and featured infographic by Angela Guess for argues that the terms business intelligence and data scientist are distinct, and not just because one pursuit applies to business, and the other to scientific results.


Click below to read the original article which accompanies the business intelligence vs. data scientist infographic.

Infographic: Business Analytics v. Data Science


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Marketing maven who manages varied marketing initiatives for both and sister company PARIS Technologies.