Will Business Intelligence ever be Intelligent?

Dec 18, 2014

Business intelligence BI not very intelligent yet

From Forbes.com, this article sparked a lot of interaction on our social media outlets, and we think it is an important one: Business Intelligence (BI) Isn’t Very Intelligent, Yet. Yes, big companies talk about BI like they know what is going on.  Fact is, very few companies are doing predictive analytics, and most are focusing only on department-specific initiatives. When it comes down to what is actually happening in big companies–they are looking at reports that are produced manually and that represent data from the past.

Our personal favorite quote from this article is, “So companies use middleware and analytical tools like Tableau, Business ObjectsMicrostrategy and Cognos. They get results, but with a price in time and manpower. When different groups are on different spreadsheets, they spend a lot of meeting time debating who has the real version of the truth.”

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Marketing maven who manages varied marketing initiatives for both OLAP.com and sister company PARIS Technologies.