by Jack Guarneri | Dec 9, 2014 | Application/Data Integration, BI Solutions, BI Strategy, BI System, Big Data, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence Suite, Data Analysis, Data Management, Data Warehousing, OLAP, Technology and Trends
Some vendors have run from the four letters OLAP…and yet, articles continue to be published, and assertions made, that “analytical processing” is entering a new phase. There’s a new acronym in the market, HTAP, which stands for Hybrid Transactional/Analytical...
by Jack Guarneri | Dec 16, 2013 | BI Strategy, Spreadsheets
Excel is pervasive in businesses, with a probably very low estimate of a couple of hundred million users around the world. Countless companies run some part of their reporting, analytics or planning systems using spreadsheets. For this good reason Excel is regarded...
by Jack Guarneri | Nov 21, 2013 | BI Strategy, BI System, Data Management
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems are widely acknowledged as a backbone software component for mid-to-large sized companies. The general idea is to create efficiencies in the way a business is run by gathering information from different functional...