Which OLAP is Best?

Which OLAP is Best?

OLAP technology has continued to develop, a good indicator of its broad applicability in the software solution market. And though newer doesn’t always mean improved, our opinion is that the most recent OLAP technologies are faster and (generally) better than...
Is HTAP the latest type of OLAP?

Is HTAP the latest type of OLAP?

Some vendors have run from the four letters OLAP…and yet, articles continue to be published, and assertions made, that “analytical processing” is entering a new phase. There’s a new acronym in the market, HTAP, which stands for Hybrid Transactional/Analytical...
Excel-Friendly BI Helps Teach Business Analytics at the University

Excel-Friendly BI Helps Teach Business Analytics at the University

By Bill Tastle, our newest OLAP.com contributor As a Professor at an AACSB accredited business school, I am responsible for preparing  business students who are eager to enter the marketplace upon graduation. Naturally,  I spend a lot of time researching about what...