Finance & Business Use Cases
Applications of OLAP and Business Intelligence in Finance and Business
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Finance and Business Use Cases
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BI for Sales: Pipeline Analysis
Although it is sometimes said that sales is an art, the reality is that sales is a process. This process requires specific skills and activities that can be measured and managed to improve a salesperson’s performance. Unfortunately, front line sales management has a...
6 Golden Rules to Successful Dashboard Design
Dashboards are often created on-the-fly with data being added simply because there is some white space not being used. Different people in the company ask for different data to be displayed and soon the dashboard becomes hard to read and full of meaningless...
How To Solve Your Budgeting and Reporting Challenges
Many companies today utilize some form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System to integrate information across various departments such as sales, finance, manufacturing etc. PowerOLAP goes beyond the integration and makes access to instant reports and...
How to Automate Reports and Perform Analytics in Excel
Crunching numbers, generating reports, consolidating data across departments—these are always very lengthy and cumbersome when done manually. To make matters worse, reports that take so lo-o-o-o-n g to complete of course turn out to have outdated information …and so,...
What is Embedded BI?
Embedded reports are a standard requirement of most applications. But users are increasingly demanding more sophisticated reporting from applications - seeking such features as custom report design, ad hoc report creation and analytics. Developers that want to embed...
Where Is Your Performance Measurement Process Breaking Down?
There are many, many symptoms of a broken performance measurement process, and while I don’t particularly want to dwell too long on this topic, you might find it useful to have a quick reference list of most typical of these symptoms. It can be useful for you...
Learn OLAP
Types of OLAP Systems
MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP... what's the difference? And modern OLAP for this century.
History of OLAP and BI
Learn about the history of OLAP technology with this comprehensive inforgraphic